Tabula rasa - tablă ştearsă
Anticii scriau pe tăbliţe cerate, putând şterge, la nevoie, cele scrise.
În concepţia lui J. Locke, care a pus în circulaţie această expresie, omul se naşte cu o minte "tabula rasa" (foaie nescrisă) pe care se imprimă cunoştinţele căpătate prin educaţie şi prin viaţa dusă în societate.
În mod curent, a face "tabula rasa" înseamnă a şterge trecutul cu buretele, a o lua de la început.
Ironic, i se spune unui elev leneş: eşti o "tabula rasa", adică nu ştii nimic.
The Walt Disney Company is well known as Disney by numerous . It is viewed as American enhanced worldwide that practice on broad communications and other stimulation aggregate. Disney headquarter is arranged at Walt Disney Studios complex in Burbank, California America.
RăspundețiȘtergerevisit disneyhubportal
The Walt Disney Company is well known as Disney by numerous . It is viewed as American enhanced worldwide that practice on broad communications and other stimulation aggregate. Disney headquarter is arranged at Walt Disney Studios complex in Burbank, California America.
RăspundețiȘtergerevisit disneyhubportal
The Walt Disney Company is well known as Disney by numerous . It is viewed as American enhanced worldwide that practice on broad communications and other stimulation aggregate. Disney headquarter is arranged at Walt Disney Studios complex in Burbank, California America.
RăspundețiȘtergerevisit disneyhubportal